Monday, February 8, 2010



Learning outcome:
By the end of this session, the students are able to:
• describe dredging works (CO2PO1)
• calculate and prepare taking off (quantities measurement) for dredging material (CO3PO3)
• calculate and prepare cost estimation for dredging material (CO4PO3)

Students are encourage to:
• search the internet for additional reading material.
• get the information from dredging contractor

Students should submit the assignment latest 5 March 2010 before 5.00pm

Times New Roman 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing and maximum 20 pages.

Content of assignment
1. Introduction (CO2PO7) 3marks
• definition
• reasons for dredging
• dredging industry
• dredging project
2. Machineries and equipments involve in dredging work (CO2PO7) 5marks
• list of machineries and equipment (picture)
• describe function of each machineries and equipment
3. Types of dredger (CO2PO7) 5marks
• mechanical dredger (description and picture)
• hydraulic dredger (description and picture)
4. Cost and estimation
• list and description of works involved in dredging works (CO4PO3) 4marks
• taking off (quantities measurement) for dredging material (CO3PO3) 5marks
• cost estimation for dredging material (CO4PO3) 5marks
5. Dredging contractor in Malaysia (CO2PO7) 5marks
• list of dredging contractor (minimum 2 contractor)
• list of completed project
• list of on going project
6. Conclusion (CO2PO7) 3marks

1 comment:

  1. I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.

    Swalf Dredging India
